Head of the Church: Jesus Christ Ministers: The Body of Christ
Pastor: Rev. J. Todd Kingrea
255 Depot Street Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 (423) 332-1148
SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 a.m.

Photo by Chris Kelly
It’s an issue that has taken on renewed emphasis
in our electronically-connected, social media world.
We’re more aware than ever that bullying happens in
many places: in the workplace, on professional sports
teams, in schools and on social media. Everyone from
supermodels to students and CEOs to celebrities is taking a stand against bullying in all its forms. Finding solutions to the problem has become an important part of our cultural conversation. However, there’s one place in society where bullying continues unchecked, where it is rarely confronted and often covertly rewarded.
The church.
Pastors, staff and church members experience bullying with alarming regularity. It does as much damage as bullying anywhere else. It’s a prime reason why many churches remain ineffective, in decline or dying.
Using the letter of 1st Corinthians as a guide and the church in Corinth as an example, Bullied! takes a blunt, unflinching look at six internal reasons why our churches are in trouble, and offers avenues of renewal and hope. With this resource you can help your church address what’s holding it back and be part of a solution that brings new life and vitality.

Confronting and Overcoming Six Major Obstacles
to Church Effectiveness
Order your copy of BULLIED! Confronting and Overcoming Six Major Obstacles to Church Effectiveness
directly from the publisher:
http://www.electiopublishing.com/index.php/bookstore or you may purchase from any book seller.
Kindle, Nook, and iBook versions are also available.
Do you ever wonder why the church today is so different from the church we see in the book of Acts?
How did the early church do so much with so little, and we do so little with so much?
How did a dynamic Christian movement become a fixed Christian institution?
If you've ever asked these questions, or others like them, Carrying on the Mission of Jesus offers a challenging, informative journey back to the heart of the early church. The New Testament paints a compelling, exciting, dangerous picture of the church as God designed it to be.
Carrying on the Mission of Jesus: Rediscovering the mission, identity, and purpose of the church,
written by our pastor, is a 12-week person or group devotional through the book of Acts.